Get Out of Hell

A Devilishly Good Game

Get Out of Hell is a push-your-luck dice rolling game where players race to the top of Hell in order to escape. Every century, a competition is held where the fastest, nastiest, and most cunning denizen of Hell is allowed to escape! Inspired by games like King of Tokyo and Zombie Dice, players take turns rolling to ascend circles of Hell, use devastating combos to obstruct their opponents, or activate powerful cards they've played. Players have to be careful, because if you ever roll 3 or more 6's, the powers of Hell pull you back down!

As one of the game designers on the team, I was responsible for investigating mechanical spaces, designing the board, and designed our core mechanic of 3 6's (666) stopping a turn. We started with a breakdown of what we though was effective vs. frustrating with King of Tokyo, and incorporated other game components and eventually redesigned gameplay from the ground up!